Secret Invasion Director Reveals Why The Series Has No Post-Credit Scenes

Secret Invasion Director Reveals Why The Series Has No Post-Credit Scenes

Drawing inspiration from the 2008 Marvel Comics event of the same name, Secret Invasion centers around Nick Fury, portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson. Unlike many other Marvel productions, the show breaks away from the norm by not featuring any post-credit scenes. In an interview with TVLine, Director Ali Selim addressed this decision by explaining that it was ultimately up to Kevin Feige and the MCU team. While post-credit scenes are often used to set up or conclude storylines, Selim felt that the series had effectively wrapped up Nick Fury’s internal struggle with aging, purpose, and identity. He expressed uncertainty about the potential projects the MCU might launch alongside the show, which could have influenced the absence of such scenes. He said:

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“That’s a good question for Kevin Feige and the MCU at large. I know that they use these movies and series to launch things, or to wrap things up, and post-credit sequences serve to do that. I don’t know what they’re launching with this show. I do know what they’re wrapping up, which is Nick Fury’s internal struggle with aging and with his sense of purpose and his sense of ‘other,’ which I think gets wrapped up really well. And there’s not much else to say about that, so I don’t know that a post-credits sequence would help.”

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Selim also shared that he focused on crafting the narrative within the six episodes of the show. While there were inevitably scenes left unused during the editing process, he emphasized that these deleted scenes were not critical to telling the current story.

“My job is to tell the story that lives within the walls of these six episodes and to tell it the best way that I possibly can. There is a ton of stuff on the cutting room floor that doesn’t help tell this particular story. As for how it might show up in the future…? My guess is as good as yours.”

RELATED: Secret Invasion: Where the Series Fits in the MCU Timeline

Is Secret Invasion Getting a Season 2?

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Marvel Studios

The reception to Secret Invasion has been diverse, with critics and audiences sharing their varied opinions on the series. While some have praised the character development and resolution of Nick Fury’s journey, others have expressed disappointment, considering it the weakest Marvel offering on Disney+. In a recent interview with Variety, Ali Selim addressed the show’s future and the possibility of a second season. Selim admitted that he currently has no knowledge about it. However, he did highlight the intriguing storylines and threads introduced in the first season that could be further explored in a potential follow-up.

Reflecting on the season finale, Selim acknowledged the diverse reactions it received from audiences and expressed his perspective on mixed reviews. He emphasized that different projects resonate differently with people for various reasons and recognized the passionate and devoted nature of Marvel’s fan base. Despite the critical response, Selim remains unaffected by mixed reviews, understanding that unmet expectations can influence opinions.

“I don’t feel bad about mixed reviews. If you had unanimously good reviews, every movie would gross $10 billion, trillion dollars, right? [Projects] resonate with different people at different times for different reasons, and Marvel has a very devoted — even rabid — fan base who have expectations and when their expectations aren’t fulfilled, they move in the other direction; they give it a thumbs down.”

Secret Invasion is now streaming on Disney+.

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