what the state is proposing in its digital bill

This Wednesday, April 26, 2023, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne will unveil outline of a digital bill. Which should be about online scams and cyberbullying. Read this article to know the details.

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A bill to regulate digital abuses

The government wants to reconnect with the French and turn the page on pension reform. President Macron then promised them resolutions to achieve in the next 100 daysduring his speech on April 17.

Thus, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne will present the roadmap and unveil the outlines of a digital bill. Franceinfo reports that the Prime Minister will present this roadmap this Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The objective is to better manage cyberbullyingbut also to fight against online scams.

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In other words, the government wants to regulate digital excesses as well as possible. After Wednesday’s announcement, the government could present this bill at the beginning of June before debating it in the National Assembly.

Online scamsOnline scams
Photo of an unidentifiable hacker using a smartphone and standing against a dark background – Photo Credits: iStock

Set up an “anti-scam filter”

This bill wants strengthen penalties for online scams, which are done a lot on the Internet, and cyberbullying. For example, the executive wants cyberstalkers to be banned from registering on social networks.

That’s not all, he also wants to strengthen sanctions against platforms that do not quickly remove child pornography content. The goal is, according to Franceinfo, to make these sanctions as important as those governing terrorist content.

Another measure: set up an “anti-scam filter”. The idea of ​​the government is to warn the user via a message or a visual when he receives a fraudulent email or SMS. This bill also contains other measures to combat data leaks, according to France Info. The government would consider better portability of the cloud.

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Debates will begin in July

The government will discuss this digital bill at the Council of Ministers next week. Remember that this new law aims to fight against online scams which are currently legion.

“For several years now, digital insecurity has been on the rise. In 2022, 15% of French people admit having been victims of a scam (UFC-Que-Choisir Barometer) ”, indicates the public service site.

The government had already planned to set up a “Cyber-Score” by proposing the law of March 3, 2022. This should allow the Internet user to know if the security of the site he is visiting is reliable.

With this new bill, the State wants to put in place several digital security devices from the start of the 2023 school year. The Senate should start examining this bill in early June 2023 before the debates in the National Assembly at the beginning of July.

The British government too

The British government is also engaged in this fight against online scams. Indeed, this Tuesday, April 25, he tabled a bill imposing heavy fines on large digital companies.

Specifically, this text proposes measures against fake reviews and subscription traps. The text also plans to give “new powers” ​​to the British competition policeman (CMA).

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This will allow the CMA to do without lengthy legal proceedings by directly applying consumer law. Especially if companies agree to raise prices at the expense of UK consumers.

As for the fines, they may reach “ 10% of global turnover in case of violation consumer law. In addition, the CMA will be able, thanks to these new provisions, to take measures against company mergers. Mainly, those which “harm British consumers and businesses” according to a press release.

Which companies are affected?

The British government wants to give these new powers to the CMA so that it can sanction companies. Mainly those with “strategic market status” with over £25 billion in turnover. Over £1 billion for the UK alone.

Online scamsOnline scams
Main IT companies – Photo credits: iStock

Here is the main multinationals concerned :

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  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Facebook
  • Apple
  • Microsoft

Microsoft, who will review the bill, plans to attend parliamentary debates to engage with parliamentarians. Méta and the other members of GAFAM have not yet spoken.

At the moment, British parliamentarians are considering another bill dealing with online safety. A text that aims to protect Internet users, including children, fromexposure to pornography or cyberbullying.

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