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If before, it was necessary to be able to register in a sports club, from September 2023, this will change. A medical certificate will no longer be required to be able to join a sports club. The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced it this Wednesday, May 3 on France Inter. A measure that would free up practice time for treating doctors.

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Free up time for doctors

End clap for sports medical certificates obligatory! This is what the Minister of Health declared this Wednesday, May 3, at the microphone of France Inter.

According to the minister, these documents of “non-contraindication to sporting practice” could become optional from September. François Braun explains that this would be to free up time for the treating doctors.

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The latter would lose “on average between 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours per week” because of these sports fitness certificates. While sometimes, they are “useless”, in particular the medical certificate requested for drop your child off at daycare after an illness.

The same goes for the documents to be able to play amateur sport. As of September 2023, the sports medical certificate would only be obligatory for competitionexplains the radio.

Medical certificate: a necessary change

According to our counterparts at TF1, the Ministry of Health would like to remove the requirement for a medical certificate for club registration. A change that Doctor Franck Devulder, gastroenterologist, considers “necessary”.

The president of the Confederation of French Medical Unions (CSMF) believes that it is necessary “free up the doctor’s time and promote their expertise”. The CSMF union would even like to see the requirement for a medical certificate for employees in the event of short-term sick leave removed.

“We should be able to self-declare, while regulating the practice to avoid abuse,” underlines Doctor Franck Devulder.

A senatorial report from March 2022, cited by France Inter, reveals that more than 30% of the population lives in a medical desert.

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Medical certificate: simplify certain administrative tasks

Élisabeth Borne already announced this measure a few days ago. During his interview on France 2 for reaffirm the indispensability of pension reformshe also raised the subject of the medical certificate.

“For years, we applied a numerus clausus”

she explained, to compensate for the lack of doctors.

According to the head of government :

“We are currently experiencing the consequences. »

Then, she declared that she wanted to simplify certain “administrative tasks” by removing certain medical certificates. Mainly, the compulsory sports medical certificate. Élisabeth Borne also spoke about recruit 6,000 medical assistants “by the end of 2024” that Social Security will pay.

An insufficient idea according to doctors

What do the doctors say about it? They are in favor of this ideabut think it is insufficient.

“It’s a good thing, but it doesn’t go far enough,” notes Dr. Jérôme Marty.

This last chairs the union of the French Union for Free Medicine. The general practitioner, for example, suggests that employees can take one-day work leave themselves. The union representative also recalled that they had already taken some of these measures in 2011.

The latter emphasizes that the law must now be respected. There is also a circular which indicates that a doctor is not required to respond to a patient who requires a medical certificate. Particularly in the absence of law or official rule. For his part, Dr Jean-Christophe Nogrette underlines the need tocollective awareness.

“Public and private actors must understand that there is no need for a certificate of aptitude for walking or yoga,” he said.

He insists thata certificate is not a “totem of immunity”.

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Medical certificateMedical certificate
Doctor sitting at his desk and writing a prescription for his patient – ​​Photo credits: iStock

15 steps for more medical time

In addition to the abolition of the sports medical certificate, the government has taken other measures to reduce administrative tasks for doctors. Tasks that are often time-consuming.

Reducing the administrative burden would also make it possible to care for more patients and remedy the shortage of doctors for certain patients. More precisely, the Ministry of Health has listed 15 measures on its site to restore medical time.

Among those :

  • The deployment of the vital card application
  • Enrichment of the “Ameli pro” portal
  • The implementation of a service to more easily transmit supporting documents in dematerialized version

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