what is the margin of “error” counted?

In France, speed on the roads is strictly regulated. The goal? Limit accidents and improve road safety. In the past, police officers themselves checked the speed of motorists. But for years they can also rely on fixed speed cameras, which provide automatic checks. Thus, every day, drivers have the unpleasant surprise of being flashed. Subsequently, they receive a fine and a ticket by mail. But it happens that some dispute these measures. So can speed cameras make mistakes? We will explain everything to you.

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Fixed speed cameras crisscross the French territory

In 2003, the first automatic radar came into service In France. Since then, this mode of control has established itself on the roads. Now, there are nearly 4,400, scattered all over. Of course, fixed speed cameras have often met with reluctance from motorists.

In the 2000s, some motorists tried to slip through the cracks. For this they used le Coyotte. This device allowed them to receive an alert when they arrived near an automatic speed camera. Since then, navigation applications, such as Wazehave replaced this object.

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Others have learned to locate fixed speed cameras, and to slow down on their daily commute. Even if they act for the safety of all, these devices annoy some citizens a lot. Moreover, they are regularly subject to voluntary degradation.

Speed ​​checks allow for a margin of error

Every year, many motorists are contesting the ticket received after checking a radar. But most often, it is a question of demonstrating that the fault was committed by another driver. Because the measurements taken by the fixed radars remain difficult to contradict.

Fixed speed cameras can sometimes be wrong. Nevertheless, the authorities have planned everything. Thus, when a speeding violation occurs, fines remove 5 km/h in favor of the driver. For example, if you drive 55 km, you will not receive any fine. And it’s not a gift from the state. Thus, the road safety site explains this situation, by evoking rather a margin of error.

 » A margin of 5 km/h is deducted from the recorded speed, to the advantage of the driver. »

However, the number of km/h counted may vary according to the speed limit. Thus, the margin of error of fixed speed cameras increases to 5.5 km on roads at 110 km/h. Finally, on motorways, where you have to drive under 130 km/h, this margin reaches 6.5 km.

In this way, the authorities avoid disputes, of a technical nature, on measurements taken with fixed radars. When it comes to road safety, public authorities never stop innovating. Now they have a new asset to limit the speed of motorists. These are new unmarked cars, which carry radars. The goal? Being able to perform checks in a mobile and unexpected way. For now, there are a few tricks to spot them. That said, this new method uses different car modelswithout distinctive sign.

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Faced with these new cars, like against fixed speed cameras, there is no silver bullet to evade fines. The only real trick is still to respect speed limits.

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