starting age for generations from 1961

Since the very first election of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, the latter has brought his desire to implement a pension reform. Indeed, it weighs that with the current functioning, the country loses far too much money. Thus, the main point of this pension reform therefore remains to raise the retirement age. Because, in fact, people who work actively pay part of the income of retirees with their social security contributions. But, pensioners are living longer and longer, the government must pay many pensions. Which does not help the economy. We’ll explaine everything here.

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Pension reform for the economy

If the President of the Republic wishes to make this pension reform, it seems to help the French economy. Indeed, pensions seem to be expensive in France. And if the solutions can be to pay more taxes or increase the debt, Emmanuel Macron firmly refuses that. Thus, the only solution that seems viable remains to make the French work longer. So, the main measure seems to be to push back the retirement age.

And that, Emmanuel Macron wishes for next summer. Indeed, faced with the current economic situation due to inflation and the aid put in place, the situation seems complex. It turns out that to put in place the measures of the Purchasing Power law, it cost France dearly. This is why the pension reform must be put in place fairly quickly.

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And several weeks ago, the President of the Republic held a discussion with the presidential press. Of course, he mentioned the pension reform. The latter was no secret given thatshe was an integral part of his presidential campaign. He therefore wants to push back the retirement age from next summer. And beyond just the age he wishes to push back, there is the contribution period that he wants to increase.


Thus, Emmanuel Macron sincerely believes that thanks to such measures in the pension reform, this would allow France to have financial margins. The latter could thus be enough to make future reforms, in particular for health, schools or even for an energy transition.

During the discussion, Emmanuel Macron seemed to listen. He had even promised in French to be open to discussion for this question of retirement age contained in the pension reform. But for as much, it seems that if the budget allows it, the reform could have passed in force as of the autumn. A measure that would have caused the discontent of many French people.

More this pension reform seems necessary according to the President of the Republic. Indeed, the economic situation is very complex. And even if he does not wish to upset the French according to his statements, he won’t wait forever. Indeed, the latter should have already taken place if it there had not been the global pandemic.

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But this episode which for the whole world was complex was also very expensive. Thus, the costs generated by the pandemic and those used to help French people in need in the face of inflation do not help France’s debt. Pension reform therefore seems the only viable solution to avoid further debt or even increase taxes..

The details of the pension reform

Thus, this pension reform, however avoided for many years, will finally take place. It will not be until December 15 that all the details of the latter should be announced.. On that date, the social partners will have information on the details. According to Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, this reform will not take place until next summer. So, the French born from 1961 will remain the very first concerned. The government’s goal remains to gradually declare the retirement age. THE going from 62 to 65 by 2030. A way then ofbring the system back to equilibrium within ten years”.

Indeed, since his presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron has not hidden his desire to push back the retirement age. And this remains the major point of pension reform. He says he wants

Dstagger the legal retirement age by 4 months per year”.

Thus, this would take place as early as next summer. But on December 1, Elisabeth Borne was able to make some revelations to Parisian. She explains that this reform would only take place for people born in the second half of 1961. She also states that

Please note, this is not to say that overnight: we go from 62 to 64 or 65”.

Thus, if the pension reform really takes place, then the first concerned will remain those born between July 1 and December 1 of 1961.

The different starting ages

Thus, many people have taken the time to count the starting age according to the year of birth of the French. For a person born in the second half of 1961, then the starting age remains 62 years and four months. And every year more, four months are added. Thus, for a person born in 1962, the starting age increases to 62 years and eight months. For 1963, the age will be 63. The people born in 1966 cannot leave until the age of 64. And finally, people born in 1969 will have to remain the first to see their retirement age raised to 65.

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On the other hand, there are always exceptions concerning the starting ages. Some may leave earlier. In the event of a long career, for example. In this case, people can leave two or even four years before the normal retirement age. Elisabeth Borne also declares that in relation to these exceptions, it will be seen

“Mmaintained and even relaxed for those who really started working very early”.

It will still be necessary wait until December 15 in order to be able to have all the information concerning the pension reform which will apply from the coming summer.

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