the prefecture recommends no longer consuming eggs produced near the city

The Rhône Prefecture encourages some municipalities not to eat eggs as well as poultry meat. All belong to an industrial region called the « Chemical Valley ». Two municipalities in Lyon are particularly affected by this decision. We give you more details about it.

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Two boroughs of Lyon concerned

Do you like eggs and can eat them every day? Well, it’s time to limit your intake since the latest news about this food is very worrying.

Indeed, since March 29, 2023, the Rhône Prefecture encouraged those who raise poultry at home not to eat the eggs and the flesh. This recommendation mainly concerns 16 municipalities of the Rhône department.

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At the beginning of 2023, the first four municipalities had already been recommended not to consume these foods. Note that this also affects two districts of Lyon.

But why are the inhabitants of these municipalities no longer allowed to eat these products? In fact, egg samples were taken at Pierre-Bénite, Saint-Genis-Laval, Oullins and Irigny some time ago and the results are quite disturbing.

Indeed, it has been found that in these products, PFAS levels were higher than the normal quantity set by EU Regulation 2022/2388 of December 7, 2022.

Which municipalities are affected by this recommendation?

For information, European regulations state that the value of PFAS in an egg should amount to only 1.70 ug/kg.

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Now, in those which were taken and which came from Pierre-Bénite, the rate is estimated at 13.44 ug/kg in the fresh state. A much too high quantity which can cause serious illnesses. This is why the Rhône Prefecture made this recommendation to ban the consumption of eggs and the flesh of poultry.

Here are the municipalities where the inhabitants must not eat it: Charly, Chaponost, Brignais, Francheville, Feyzin, Irigny, Saint-Foy-Lès Lyon, Saint-Genis-Laval, Solaize, Vourles, Vernaison, La Mulatière, Lyon 7 as well as Lyon 8. These are all part of an industrial region called « The Valley of Chemistry ».

For information, the PFAS that we saw in the samples belong to the “historical PFAS”. These are PFOS, PFOA, PFNA and PFHxS.

Faced with all this, the French government has set up the PFAS Action Plan 2023-2027. It is also trying to find out where this PFAS pollution comes from. There will also be other egg collections in breeding and in individuals very soon.

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A policeman strips a demonstrator in Lyon

It’s true that a lot of things are currently happening in Lyon. Recently it’s a video of a policeman stripping a protester which made the rounds of the Web.

The scene took place on the evening of Thursday March 30, 2023. While residents came forward in Lyon, a policeman took off a man’s clothes flattened on the ground. As a result, the man ends up being naked with his pants down.

This video shared on Twitter quickly made the French react. For its part, the Lyon prosecutor’s office decided to open an investigation for violence without ITT by a person holding public authority on what had happened. It was the general inspectorate of the national police who took charge of the case.

Note that during this event, nearly 3,000 people mobilized in Lyon “against police violence”. A mobilization linked to what had happened in Deux-Sèvres against the mega-basins of Sainte-Soline. This demonstration obviously left consequences.

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Not only did a man end up being stripped naked by a member of law enforcement, but it also left a mess at a municipal police station. There were also broken windows and dumpsters overturned. In addition, trash can fires were also lit.

Protests against police violence on the rise

Following this mobilization, three people were arrested.

It is true that police violence is making a lot of noise at the moment on French territory. During his visit to Journal du Dimanche, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin confided in particular on this subject.

He revealed that since the beginning of the demonstration against the pension reforms, “36 judicial investigations” have been opened. It is the IGPN and the IGGN (the equivalent for the gendarmes) who carry out these investigations.

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Source: Sciences et Avenir

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